Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Saudi Arabia - Essay Example The most difficult duty that the King has to perform is to maintain a balanced and harmonious relationship among the Royal Family members, the upper-class people of the society and the Ulama, an Islamic religious community (Lacey 39). The difficulty mainly arises from the conflict of interests between the religious community and the other bourgeois class people, as in this regard, Matthes et al says that the king’s decision-making often involves maintaining balance and mitigating â€Å"conflict between religious and power interests† (3). Due to the tribal pattern of the Saudi Arabian society, the King often needs to interfere into tribal agreements, and at the same time, to renew the government’s agreements with the Arabian tribes. It is mutually agreed that, unlike a democratic political system the Saudi Royal Family is endowed with the power to dethrone the King. Overview of Saudi Arabian Government From the very beginning of the establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932, the country is being ruled under monarchy, as Gerald Butt, a middle East Analyst, says, â€Å"The history of Saudi Arabia is entwined - as much as its name is - with the fate and fortunes of the House of Saud, which traces its origins back to the 18th Century† (2). ... t, Matthes et al says, â€Å"Occupying nearly all the important state positions, the large Al Saud family dominates Saudi-Arabian politics as well as parts of the economy making the desert kingdom a â€Å"family firm†(4). The country’s high authoritative decisions come from a cabinet of 15 members. Since the cabinet primarily consists of members who are close in kinship to the King, it becomes often difficult to take a decision by fulfilling all of the members’ interests. The decisions are often deterred and protracted. Constitution of Saudi Arabia: Interests of Royal Family, Islam, and the Leading Technocrat in it Since Saudi Arabia’s constitution consists of the Koran, Allah’s laws and Sunnah, the explanation of the Koran, the country does not have any constitution in traditional sense, rather it has some 83 operational laws on which the kingdom is expected to be operated. Since the state is responsible for the enforcement of Islamic law or Shari ah, the Saudi constitution does not consider the existence of religious organizations. Also Article 5 declares the political system of the country as monarchy and also it does not permit any political organizations in the country. According to article 5c, the King can choose his heir. Though the King is considered to be endowed with unfettered power, he is expected to respect Islamic Laws and Values. According to Article 44, three types of authorities are considered to function as parts of the state, while the King preserves the supreme power to interfere into any of these authoritative powers. According to the Saudi Constitution, the monarchy is considered as the key source of power with the right to interfere into any level of the government. The Council of Ministers and its Functions during the Years Prior to 1990

Monday, October 28, 2019

Concentration Levels of Essential Metals

Concentration Levels of Essential Metals Comparative Distribution of Selected Essential Metals in Drinking Water by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Method Tanzeel ur Rehman and Misbah Zahid ABSTRACT This study reports the concentration levels of selected essential metals; Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe and Zn in the drinking water collected from different areas of Islamabad. The levels of these metals present in the drinking ground water were compared with standards reported worldwide. The analysis was carried out using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The mean metal concentration for Na was far less than those reported worldwide, while the average concentrations of K and Zn were also less than those reported worldwide. The mean concentration of Fe was equal to those reported worldwide standards. Sodium showed maximum concentration while Fe was estimated to be the lowest among the selected metals. Key Words: Essential Metals; Ground water; Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry INTRODUCTION Environmental pollution especially in the metropolitan cities is generally expected to deteriorate the quality of drinking water. One of the important parameters of the quality of water is represented by the concentration of major, minor and trace elements. In industrial areas, some of the metals may be expected to present at considerably elevated level as a result of excessive industrial effluents which might find their way to the underground drinking water reservoir1. Contrary to such theory, one may suggest that, the underground drinking water resources may still be out of reach to the surface pollutants. In any of such cases, regular monitoring of trace metals is always recommended especially in the drinking water2. In Pakistan, only limited population has access to the purified public water supply while the rest of population is dependent upon direct withdrawal of water from both surface and underground sources. Most of the quality problems in Pakistan are due to lack of waste disposal regulations non-availability of treatment facilities and due to lack of public awareness about water quality3. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry is most commonly used for the determination of metal levels in the groundwater and soil4. In addition, few other techniques, such as X-ray fluorescence, ICPMS, ICPES, flame photometry, emission spectrography and voltammetry have been used for metal analysis on limited scale. Atomic absorption method is preferably used because it is more sensitive, and reproducible, relatively free of interferences and convenient to use than most of the other methods of analysis. For the quantitative measurements of trace metal levels, calibration line method has been most widely applied. The most selective light sources in the form of hollow cathode lamps have been in use since a long in atomic absorption spectroscopy5. Drinking water used in Rawalpindi and Islamabad is contributed by two main sources. First is the surface water, mainly in the form of dams and the other is groundwater which is drained off after proper boring. Water supplied to twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad is mostly a run-off collected from the watershed of Murree hills. The contamination is due to the anthropogenic emissions and geological structure of the area bearing unhealthy minerals affecting the taste and characteristics of water6. The pathogenic organism is also responsible for health hazard, apart from the inorganic chemical7. The present study was carried out to estimate the concentration of selected essential metals Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe and Zn in the drinking water and then to compare these metal levels with the international standards in order to evaluate their health effects. EXPERIMENTAL Water samples were collected from the residential areas of Islamabad. These samples were collected in plastic bottles and stored in proper place before analysis. Before filling, the sample bottles were first rinsed with the sample water and were then filled to overflow so that no air bubble was left trapped in the sample. The samples were collected during day time, mostly on a shiny day. Care was taken to collect the representative samples. For calibration line, working standards of the metals were prepared. The stock solutions of 100 ppm of all these metals were prepared from pure metal salts, or metal salt having fixed H2O molecules. The working standards were prepared by appropriately diluting 100 ppm stock solutions of these metals. All equipments used, were properly calibrated prior to experimental measurement. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Hitachi, 170-10, Japan) equipped with laminar flow burner. Air-acetylene flame was used for the determination of these metals under optimum analytical conditions shown in Table-1. Each metal was analyzed at its optimum wavelength under stipulated flow rate of oxidant and fuel, as recommended by the manufacturer of the instrument. Every care was taken to reduce the contamination during the analysis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The analysis of selected essential metals was performed under the optimum analytical conditions as shown in Table-1. The absorption wavelength used for Ca was 422.7 nm, for Mg 285.2 nm, for Na 589.0 nm, for K 766.5 nm, for Fe 248.3 nm, Zn 213.8 nm. The lamp currents were properly adjusted as recommended by the manufacturer and oxidant and fuel flow rates were also controlled for maximum absorption signal (Table-1). The distributed parameters for the selected essential metals in the drinking water are shown in Table-2. Minimum levels for Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, and Zn were 1.15, 9.00, 11.21, 0.70, 0.20 and 0.23 ppm, while their maximum values were 32.43, 25.64, 25.95, 4.43, 0.63 and 0.56 ppm respectively. Ca, Mg and Na were present at dominant levels while K, Fe, and Zn showed relatively low concentrations. Mean and median values were found to be comparable in each case. Overall, the metal levels were quite divergent as manifested by relative high standard deviation values as well as appreciably large coefficient of variance. In water, trace amounts of metals are common, and normally, these are not harmful to health. In fact, some metals are essential for the sustainability of life. Ca, Mg, K and Na must be present at relatively higher levels for normal body functions. Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Se and Zn are needed as catalysts for enzyme activities at low levels. Drinking water containing high levels of these extremely important metals or poisonous metals such as Al, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Pb, Hg. Se and Ag may be dangerous to health8. The presence of metals in water supply may be natural or may be the result of contamination. Natural presence of these metals is the result of dissolution of metals due to the connection of water with soil or rocks9. Corroded material i.e corrosion of pipes and waste disposal leakage are the major sources of contamination of water. Metals present at high enough level than threshold limit value should be removed to be out of risk factor. Comparison of present metal levels with the international standards is shown in Table-3. Ca is important in controlling nerve impulse conduction and muscle contraction in living organisms. It has very important role in blood clotting. It converts fibrinogen to fibrin during blood clotting10. Ca is very important for good health. Most of the required portion of Ca for human body is provided by the drinking water containing Ca. This particular amount of Ca prevents ailments as hypertension, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disorders. The calcium level was found in the range of 1.15 to 32.43 ppm. The WS-1, WS-2, WS-3 has approximately equal amount of Ca while the WS-6 has a maximum amount of Ca. The median of all these samples were 18.64 ppm. The WS-5 was found to have the minimum amount of Ca. All the observation shows that Ca has the low amount than the WHO standards. The standard deviation is 8.02 and the co–efficient of variance is 40.8 which is maximum than all the other elem ents. Magnesium is driven out from the bodies of healthy persons. People may suffer from increase in blood pressure, muscle weakness and even coma if they have kidney disease. Mg is for signaling the nervous system and it also participates in osmotic and electrolyte balance. It is essentially required in photosynthesis. In human, it can cause genetic disorder11. In the present work the Mg mean value was found 18.04 ppm. The concentration of Mg ranges from 9.00–25.64 ppm. The lowest value was found in WS-6D and the highest was found in WS-2C. The median was found 16.36 ppm .All the values were found to be below the international standards of WHO. The maximum difference was found in WS-1 samples which is 15.93–25.23. The median was lower than the mean which shows asymmetry in its distribution. The standard deviation is 4.59 ppm and co-efficient of variance is 23.21 which is lower than all other elements. Sodium is beneficial to healthy adults at normal intake levels. But people having hypertension or heart problem should reduce Na intake to lower the danger of heart diseases and blood pressure. Na has serious effects on both human life and crop yield. Water high in Na is considered soft and generable for irrigation12. In present study, the result showed the mean value of Na was 19.80 ppm which was higher than Ca and Mg but this level was not the toxic level, so it has no bad effects. Na levels range from 11.21 to 35 ppm. The least Na levels were found in WS-6D and the highest was found in WS-4E. The median was higher than the mean value which showed the negative asymmetry in the data. The spread of the data is found in form standards deviation and was 6.02 ppm and the co-efficient of variance was 33.39 %. In comparison with the international standards, the Na levels found in the samples were low than WHO, EU, UK and Japan, but are just equivalent to USEPA standards. In natural water, K is found in far smallest concentration than other metals. It acts in water as Na does, although it occurs in small concentration but plays an important role in metabolism of the fresh water environment and is regarded to be the vital macro-nutrients. It has an important role in maintenance of osmotic and electrolytic balance. It is important in proper rhythm of heart beat. It is important for creation of nerve impulse and its transmission13. In our analysis the K ranges from 0.70 to 4.43 ppm and mean value was 3.06 ppm. The lowest level was found in WS-6A and the highest in WS-3A. The median is 3.53 ppm which showed the negative asymmetry and standard deviation is 1.19 and co-efficient of variance is 39%. K values in present study were much lower than EU and UK standards. Iron in water has not hazardous for health by itself but it may be responsible for increasing the hazard of pathogenic organisms, because many of these organisms need Fe to grow. Iron is one of the most abundant metals in the earth crust and is essential for plants, animals and human being. The permissible limit placed on this metal has no health significance14. In our study the mean value found for the Fe was 0.39 ppm. The minimum value was found at 0.2 ppm in the WS-4B, and the maximum was 0.63 ppm in WS-1A. The median found for Fe was 0.40 which is greater than the mean and show asymmetry in the data. The standard deviation was 0.13 which showed small spread of the data. The co-efficient of variance value was 33.79%, in comparison with the international standards of WHO, EU, USEPA, UK, Russia and Japan present levels were almost same. The iron present in the sample seems to be ferrous iron since no discoloration of water was observed when collected. Zinc is very important constituent in our diet. Zn has hazardous effects if we increase its amount 10-15 times higher than the amount required for good health. Large doses of Zn taken orally even for a short period of time can cause nausea, stomach cramps and vomiting. Its intake for longer time results in anemia and in decreasing the levels of good cholesterol. Metal fume fever, a short term disease, may be the result of inhaling Zn as dust or fumes of zinc. Breathing high levels of Zn for long time, no doubt, has long-term effects but these are still unknown. Zinc is essential element for plants and exists in water and soil as an organic complexes and inorganic salts. Zinc is required for growth, sexual development, wound healing infection, sense of taste and night vision in human15-17. The mean value found in water samples was 0.42 ppm which ranged from 0.23 to 0.56 ppm. The median of the data reading was 0.48 which showed negative asymmetry in the data. The standard deviation sho wn was 0.12 ppm and co-efficient of variance was 27.49 %. When these values are compared with international standards the Zn level was found lower than WHO, US EPA, Russia, but was higher than EU. CONCLUSION It was observed during the present study that mean concentrations of Ca, Mg, Na, K, Fe, and Zn in the drinking water of Islamabad were found to be 19.65, 18.04, 19.80, 3.06, 0.39, and 0.42 ppm respectively. For Na, K, Ca, Mg and Zn, these values are far less in comparison to the concentrations reported worldwide, whereas for Fe present value is nearly equal to the reported values. Ca, Mg and Na were in high concentrations as they are macronutrients while K, Fe and Zn being the micronutrients were present in low concentrations. Over all, the selected metals revealed asymmetric distribution in their concentration duly reported by standard deviation and co-efficient of variation. Table-1: Optimum analytical conditions on FAAS for selected essential metals Table-2: Distribution of selected essential metal levels (ppm) in the drinking water BDL = Below Detection Limits Table-3: Comparison of selected essential metal levels (ppm) with the international standards reported world-wide18 REFERENCES Manahan, S. E. (1997). Environmental Science and Technology, Lewis Publishers, New York, pp. 339-340. Khan, M. J.; Sarwar, S. and Khattak, R. A. (2004). Evaluation of river Jehlum water for heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cd, Pb, and Cr) and its suitability for irrigation and drinking purposes at district Muzaffarabad (AK), Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 26, 436-442. InamUllah, E. and A. Alam, (2014). Assessment of drinking water quality in Peshawar, Pakistan. Bulg. J.Agric. Sci., 20: 595-600 Robinson, J. W. (1995). Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis, 5th Edition, Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 7-8, 316-318. Mendham, J.; Denney, R. C.; Barnes, J. D. and M. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

Schizophrenia Essay -- essays research papers

Schizophrenia is a severe, chronic, and often disabling brain disease. While the term Schizophrenia literally means, "split mind," it should not be confused with a "split," or multiple, personality. It is more accurately described as a psychosis -- a type of illness that causes severe mental disturbances that disrupt normal thought, speech, and behavior. The first signs of schizophrenia usually appear as shocking or radical changes in behavior. Others may have severe psychotic symptoms listed above. But many people also show "negative" symptoms, such as decreased emotional arousal, mental activity, and inability to socialize. Schizophrenics often report a sense of strangeness and confusion about the source of their sensations. They feel great loneliness, anxiety, and an overwhelming sense of being disconnected from others. A schizophrenic person may think and communicate incoherently, jumping from one idea mixing a "word salad" of new words or jumbled phrases. It is common for schizophrenics to be suspicious and resentful. They may sense that their thoughts are stolen, broadcast aloud, Or replaced by new information from strangers seeking to control their behavior. They may describe voices that speak directly to them or criticize their behavior Schizophrenia often appears earlier in men -when they are in their late teens to early adulthood - and in women in their 20s and early 30s, but the disease affects men and women with equal frequency. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 2.2 million American adults or about 1. 1 % of the population age 18 and older in a given year have schizophrenia. Some people experience only a single episode and remain symptom-free afterward. More commonly, however, the course of illness fluctuates over several decades, with each recurrence leading to increasing impairment. Experts don't know what causes schizophrenia, but they agree that it most likely results from a complex interplay of genetic, behavioral, and other factors, similar to other diseases. It is widely believed that neurotransmitters, brain chemicals that allow communication between brain cells, play a role in causing schizophrenia, but the exact mechanism is not known. Most m... ...ns is often difficult for schizophrenics. They may deny that they are ill, or their disease itself may hinder their ability to take regular medication. Fortunately there are many ways for patients, doctors, and families to improve adherence. Some antipsychotic medications are available in long-acting injectable forms so that the patient can receive a dose of medication just once a month. Other useful tools include pillboxes or electronic timers that beep when medication should be taken. Families can also help by motivating the patient to take their medicines properly. Often, additional drugs, such as antianxiety medications or antidepressants, may be used to treat side effects of the antipsychotic medicines or other symptoms related to the schizophrenia, including stiffness, tremors, and depression. Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy by itself is of little value without medication, and vice versa. While medication can be effective in relieving psychotic symptoms, psychotherapy can help with behavioral symptoms such as socialization and communicating appropriately. Supportive and sympathetic psychotherapy helps these patients understand their disease and re-enter society and family life.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Club Med: Making a Comeback

Club Mediterranee (Club Med) is a corporation in the all-inclusive resort market that manages over 140 resort villages in Mediterranean, snow, inland and tropical locales in over 40 countries. It was founded by a group of travelers, headed by Gerald blitz, in 1950However over the years they realized that all-inclusive system does not work anymore. People are not willing to spend large amounts of money for vacations. Its competitors have been able to customize travel packages for each customer.Even though it seems easy for Club Med to do the same but because it has so many resorts all over the world the currency devaluation and political boycotts are causing Club Med problems with these decisions. These external factors are reducing the company’s ability to increase sales and gain new customers. The Club Med style can be best described by the sense of closeness found among the managers. Because they are all former village chiefs they know the company’s everyday operation s. The difference between Club med and other hotels is that, it is much simpler.Even the room decorations are simple and spares. Also its distinguished feature is that it is a place where one can â€Å"escape†. However in 2004 they introduced a new strategy that gave consumers a differentiated product that was more chic and luxurious, especially in the Americas. Until 1986 Club Med had a very strong position in the all-inclusive resort market. If one wanted to go to a resort but use another company it had to pay 50-100% more. Internet accounts more than 20% of its sales.Finding a labor was never a problem for this resort either. In 1986 competition began because other companies adopted its style. The only difference was that Club Med’s service included drinks. In 2004 it reverted to and all-inclusive deal. In 2005 it declared the Alps area that attracted thousands of tourists. Jack Tar Village is one of the competitors of Club Med. It operates mostly in Caribbean. Its resorts are positioned as more glamorous and modern. Another competitor is SuperClubs Organization, which operates 4 resorts on Jamaica.Those resorts have the reputation for being uninhibited and sexually oriented. The activities that Club Med and their competitors offer is similar but the way it is offered may be different. The original mission statement includes the idea that the company’s goal is to take a group of strangers away from their everyday lives and bring them together in a relaxing and fun atmosphere in different parts of the world. They create brand loyalty by asking the consumers to join the Club Med Club, they send them newsletters, discounts, thus making people feel special.Each resort is accommodated with all the necessary facilities like, sailing, volleyball, tennis and basketball fields and so on. There are no phones, TVs radios; this is done in order to separate individuals form civilization so that they could relax. Club Med organizes everything to enco urage social interaction between guests. Everything is included in the price except bar drink and items purchased in the small shops. There are different activities every day. After 1996 Club Med does not have as large of a sales increase as it had anticipated.It is due to economic and ecological disasters in countries where Club Med has resorts. It has a signed contract with the government of the country it enters stating that the firm will increase the tourism in the area. And the government instead will provide the financial aid to help maintain the new resort facilities. However the joint ventures have not proven to be profitable. After September 11, 2001 Club Med had to close down 15 of its villages. It only reopened 6 and opened 4 new ones.Tsunami in south East Asia devoured most of its coastline and Club Med properties in Malaysia, Phuket and so on. Happenings in one area where it is based often indirectly affect other resorts as well. Club Med fell on hard financial times th rough much of 1990s. In 1998 Philippe Bourguignon was brought in a new chairman to stem the decline. He instigated $500 million three year rescue program. Unprofitable villages were closed. Thanks to the new chairman Club Med is making a comeback. Attendance is rising and company made a modest profit last year.Even though they still have problem their revenue rises and it seems to be on track to success. In 2005 it reported a net revenue of $3 million Euros, compared to its $4 million loss year before. In 2202 a new chairman was appointed. Henri Giscard d’Estaing knows the brand recognition the company has and uses hat for the benefit. Club Med plans to enter China, U. S, France and so on. U. S. is Club Meds Number 1 target. It plans to open 3 new resorts around U. S it spends large amount of money on advertising, renewing facilities and adding new ones.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Importance of Talking for Teachers and Childrens Learning

This survey will be based in C Infant School, a Leicester interior metropolis school. Most of the observations will come from a twelvemonth 2 category. This school is a really big baby school which is really culturally diverse, with huge differences in abilities amongst the kids. A Talk is considered to be important for larning, non merely for kids but for instructors also.A This assignment will be looking at the importance of talk for kids ‘s apprehension of the universe and besides the importance of talk for instructors to understand kids. This assignment will look at what different theoreticians have to state about the function of talk for acquisition and so expression at my survey and findings to see if there are any links to the literature.ALiterature ReviewThere is a scope of grounds carried out by research workers which look at talk for acquisition. Myhill et Al ( 2006 ) believes that the teacher- student talk enhances acquisition and kids learn by being asked inquiries by their instructors. Their survey focused on the issues environing oppugning kids and believed that this is the most important function of talk for acquisition. This survey was called the TALK undertaking and this undertaking looked into the different types of questioning.A The instructors who participated in the TALK undertaking saw oppugning to be more about scaffolding acquisition and non so much about commanding the lesson content. They felt that oppugning encouraged kids and allowed instructors to supervise what kids understood. It besides gave chances to kids to rehearse thoughts and develop their thought. The Talk undertaking showed that instructors use different types of oppugning schemes. The instructors cardinal positions on oppugning were that oppugning is a manner of affecting kids, unfastened inquiries are superior to closed inquiries, good inquiries are the tools of the trade for effectual instruction and the best inquiries facilitate acquisition and thought ( Myhill et al. , 2006 ) . Evidence from the TALK undertaking showed that a individual lesson might incorporate short explosions of factual oppugning to get down the session and so travel on to inquiring inquiries to look into apprehension. Types of oppugning differed depending on cont ent, context and age of kids. This undertaking showed that comparing one type of inquiry to another does non assist judge how appropriate or effectual the inquiry may be in relation to the context, but raised the inquiry that is factual oppugning overused? Besides, how instructors might utilize different types of oppugning that infusion more luxuriant, developed and thoughtful responses from kids. A Besides back uping Myhill et Al is Tough ( 1977b as cited from Moyles, 1989 ) . Tough stated that certain types of inquiring is indispensable to advance kids ‘s thought. A Agring with Tough ( 1977b as cited from Moyles, 1989 ) is Aschner ( 1961 as cited in Gall, 1970 ) who claimed that inquiring inquiries is one of the basic ways by which the instructor stimulates an person ‘s thought and learning.A Barnes ( 2008 ) nevertheless, found oppugning in learning a two manner procedure. He believed that in order to increase the usage of acquisition, kids should besides be oppugning their instructor every bit good as themselves. This sets thoughts in their heads which are more likely to hold a longer permanent consequence on their memories.A Wegerif and Dawes ( 2004 ) agreed that oppugning was a good beginning for increasing talk. They found students believing and acquisition was higher when it involved instructors promoting treatment after every inquiry. Mercer and Dawes ( 2008 ) believe that kids are encouraged to speak and hold more clip to believe about an reply before showing it. Scrimshaw ( 1997 ) argued that kids do non cognize how to transport on a treatment due to put land regulations ( in Mercer and Dawes, 2008 ) .A There has been research which illustrates that talk differs in conformity to the country of course of study being taught. In numeracy there is a greater opportunity of factual inquiries being asked, whereas in literacy there are more unfastened inquiries which can be asked. This is because numeracy consists of a set reply. Nonetheless, in 1999 the DfEE found that talk can be encouraged in acquiring kids to explicate how they reached their replies in numeracy ( Myhill et al, 2006 ) . Keogh and Naylor ( 2007 ) found the best manner of promoting talk in scientific discipline is through reasoning, discoursing and researching, ignoring land regulations. Furthermore, it is of import to hold land regulations for talk because this maintains societal order and the instructors ‘ duty to maintain talk â€Å" curriculum-relevant † ( Mercer and Dawes, 2008 ) .A Alexander ( 2008 ) believes effectual acquisition is achieved if instruction is linked to a kid ‘s society values and through forming relationships. Evidence on this research focused on talk for larning in different civilizations and their different results. Harmonizing to Alexander, ( 2008 ) talk is a ‘skill that the pupil acquires instead than something that pupils and instructors together do in order to larn ‘ . It was made clear in this survey that talk is non merely merely a conversation between two individuals but besides about human dealingss. Alexander ( 2008 ) suggests, if the relationship between instructor and pupils is excessively formal ( teacher bases and pupil listens ) this has an consequence on schoolroom talk. Whereas, if a instructor sits with the kids who are positioned in a manner they can see each other, perchance set uping tabular arraies in a â€Å" horseshoe or square form † so speak can be achieved more efficaciously. The kids are so able to listen to each other every bit good as think from their equals positions in relation to whole category acquisition. ( Alexander, 2008 ) A Piaget ( 1967 ) was a review of many other theoreticians working in this field nevertheless, he agreed with Alexander ( 2008 ) to some extent. He argued that although kids being straight involved with talk was of import it was non cardinal to his chief findings. A kid learns by detecting, absorbing and building thoughts about what they hear and visualise around them. This is more of a â€Å" constructive procedure † ( Mercer and Littleton, 2008 ) . He believed it is more effectual for kids to speak to each other in groups instead than an adult/teacher. This is due to experiencing a sense of similarity and equality amongst other kids, whereas, kids might experience threatened to discourse their positions with an authoritative/powerful figure such as an adult.A Doise at Al ( 1981 ) had similar findings which show group work being more effectual than single work. When kids come into contact with other kids with different positions this allows and encourages the kids to re-examine their ain initial thoughts. This can so take to possible acknowledgment of a higher order solution that resolves the struggle ( in Mercer and Littleton, 2008 ) . Furthermore, Geekie et Al ( 1999 ) found that every bit good as kids being straight involved with more knowing persons, these persons should move as function theoretical accounts. They should believe aloud when speaking to kids to assist heighten their acquisition ( in Waugh and Jolliffe, 2008 ) .A A A A A Although Vygotsky ( 1978 ) agreed on Piaget ‘s position of larning being a constructive procedure he gave more accent to societal interaction and acknowledged this as being the â€Å" nucleus development procedure † ( Mercer and Littleton, 2008 ) . His theory explained that all persons have a Zone of Proximal Development which describes the difference between what a kid can achieve and when their acquisition is supported and besides what they can achieve when larning independently. Harmonizing to Paiget talk for acquisition was more effectual during equal interaction between kids of a similar ZPD. However, Vygotsky argued that the interaction between the â€Å" more and less knowing † encouraged the function of speaking. ( Mercer and Littleton, 2008 ) .A A survey by Barnes ( 2008 ) found that the most of import facet of a kid ‘s ability to larn through talk is by building new thoughts in relation to what they already know. By â€Å" seeking out † new ways through talk frequently builds on kids ‘s apprehension of the universe ( Barnes, 2008 ) . This links to what Bruner ( 1961 ) believed which is kids learn through detecting things for themselves. Although Bruner thought active duologue is an of import portion of larning he focused more on the usage of memory. Children are able to get new cognition and understanding with the aid of old cognition stored in their memories. In order for kids to absorb information their acquisition should be simplified which they can retrieve and remember when obtaining new cognition. This is what Bruner referred to as the preservation of memory. Bruner believed the function of talk for acquisition was an of import dependent on kids ‘s handiness for linguistic communication used i n the schoolroom, which would subsequently make up one's mind on their preservation of memory.AMethods and procedureTo get down with I felt it was of import to detect how my wise man facilitates talk in the schoolroom in order for me to make the same. I decided to detect my wise man in both literacy and maths to see the different ways my wise man facilitated talk. Across two literacy Sessionss ( appendix 1 ) , my wise man asked the kids many unfastened inquiries, but alternatively of replying straight off they were told to ‘talk to your spouse†¦ ‘ to discourse what the possible replies could be. There was a batch of mated talk during the whole category debut which chiefly occurred after my wise man asked a inquiry. During the chief activity the kids were given inquiries to discourse and speak about and were informed to speak to their equals on their tabular array to discourse and portion their thoughts with each other. They were besides told that at the terminal my wise man would travel about and listen to what ideas each group has come up with to portion with the category as a whole. During the chief activity my wise man went around the little groups merely listening to treatments and merely intervened to widen their ideas and replies. Having observed those two Sessionss it was clear to see that my wise man facilitated talk a batch throughout the lessons, giving clip for kids to discourse thoughts and replies. This was done in many ways from discoursing inquiries and replies in braces, little groups and as a whole category. It is of import to state that talk was ever encouraged after inquiring a inquiry ( normally open ) . This was besides the instance in the two maths Sessionss I observed ( appendix 2 ) . My wise man asked inquiries which could merely hold one correct reply but still encouraged the kids to work with their spouses to work out the replies. Open inquiries were besides asked to see how kids work out the replies, ‘what do I necessitate to make? ‘ It was besides of import to detect my two focal point kids, Dylan and Dhrumil to see how they interact during mated talk, little group treatments and whole category treatments. While I was sharing a book with Dylan ( appendix 3 ) I found he tended to associate parts of the narrative to his personal experiences and talked a batch about his personal experiences. When I asked some closed inquiries Dylan would answer with a yes or no but ever extended the replies by stating me why. During an R.E session ( appendix 4 ) I asked the category a inquiry, ‘what is your particular topographic point? ‘ and each kid had to state me what their particular topographic point was. I found that Dhrumil answered with merely saying a topographic point and Dylan stated his particular topographic point and besides said why. After detecting both kids it became clear that although Dylan was able to reply inquiries and widen them by giving inside informations and saying why, Dhrumil would be given to give an reply without widening it. Therefore, this led me to inquire more unfastened inquiries or inquire farther inquiries in the lessons I planned and taught in order to larn more about him and his understanding. The observations of my wise man ‘s instruction and planning helped me to compose up my ain programs. Differentiated activities harmonizing to group abilities, doing lessons every bit active as possible and encouraging kids ‘s thought through oppugning were all taken into consideration. I wanted to seek easing more elaborate talk and treatments as this was more fruitful cognition to assist me understand the kid and their thought. As a consequence, I made certain I asked a batch of unfastened ended inquiries and ever asked inquiries to widen their thoughts and ideas. I decided to make this in the same method as my wise man, holding kids work in braces, groups and whole class. Although I did this for most Sessionss I decided to concentrate on easing talk during the maths Sessionss. I asked a batch of inquiries to happen out what they ab initio know ( appendix 5 ) , ‘how could we mensurate†¦ ? I asked inquiries to see what they understood ( appendix 6 and 7 ) , ‘what have you found out? Why have you put this object in this portion of the diagram? ‘ I asked many different types of inquiries during the maths Sessionss, as normally mathematical inquiries tend to hold one consecutive factual reply. I asked different types of inquiries as it would assist me understand what the kids already know, why they have done something, how they worked the reply out. It besides helps me to set up any misconceptions the kids may hold and assist me to place kids who have grasped a construct and those who may non hold. Furthermore it helps me to measure the kids ‘s cognition and apprehension and this information is important is this will steer me t o be after harmonizing to kids ‘s learning.Analysis and reading of evidenceAfter looking at different theoreticians ‘ stance on talk for acquisition and my ain findings, it is clear to see that oppugning plays a cardinal function in teachers/adults larning and apprehension of kids. This is apparent in two of my numeracy lesson ratings ( appendix 9 ) . In both these ratings it states how inquiring helped me to place kids who had troubles and kids who were more than able. It is besides apparent to see that oppugning plays a cardinal function in kids ‘s acquisition and apprehension ( appendix 10 ) . In this rating it states that oppugning helped develop the kids ‘s thoughts. Therefore, this links and supports Myhill et Al ‘s ( 2006 ) belief that the teacher- student talk enhances acquisition and kids learn by being asked inquiries by their instructors furthermore that oppugning kids is important in the function of talk for learning. To advance talk in the category I was based in, I made certain I asked inquiries which helped me understand what the kids have done, how they have done it and why. This is apparent in the maths and literacy Sessionss ( see appendix 5, 6, 7 and 8 ) . I asked different types of inquiries during the session, inquiries which required callback of the old Sessionss, inquiries to happen out what they thought and their ain positions, inquiries which required them to give sentiments and satiate why and inquiries to widen their thought. All these different types of inquiries were asked so I could understand the kids better. Learn more approximately them as persons and besides see them develop new thoughts. Once one kid gives a response to a inquiry it normally stimulated others to give their thoughts including new thoughts. This was good as it promoted originative thought, therefore associating with Aschner ( 1961 as cited in Gall, 1970 ) , who claimed that inquiring inquiries is one of the ba sic ways by which the instructor stimulates an person ‘s thought and learning. Furthermore, as these were normally unfastened inquiries the kids had the freedom to state what they wanted without the fright of giving a incorrect reply. Normally when kids are asked inquiries which require consecutive replies, I found that in some instances they would either be loath to reply, which could propose fright of being incorrect or they would merely take random conjectures. This so links in good with many of the theoreticians, Tough ( 1977 as cited from Moyles, 1989 ) who said about certain types of oppugning being indispensable for kids ‘s acquisition. It was of import to advance talk to measure and measure them as persons and besides program for patterned advance. Although unfastened inquiries were utile in acquiring a scope of different thoughts and replies, sometimes I needed to inquire inquiries which required a right reply, so a specific reply. This was the instance in certain maths Sessionss ( appendix 5 and 6 ) . Asking closed inquiries helped me understand if the kids understood or knew the reply. If an incorrect reply was given I found inquiring how they worked the reply out helped in placing if their methods were wrong which in bend resulted in the incorrect reply or if their methods were right but the reply was wrong due to small errors and mistakes. Therefore inquiring both opened and closed inquiries are really of import as it would merely do me more cognizant of what the kid understands, what they are fighting with, what misconceptions they have and overall assist me understand the kid. Therefore, besides ensuing in m e reflecting on my ain pattern excessively see what I may be making incorrect, what other schemes I could utilize to assist persons, how I can widen their acquisition and so on. Thus, back uping Myhill et Al ‘s ( 2006 ) findings from the TALK undertaking how instructors might utilize different types of oppugning that infusion more luxuriant, developed and thoughtful responses from children. Furthermore grounds obtained from observations of my wise mans oppugning manner ( appendix 1 and 2 ) , promoting talk and treatment after every inquiry, supports Wegerif and Dawes ( 2004 ) that oppugning is a good beginning for increasing talk and that pupils believing and acquisition is higher when it involved instructors promoting treatment after every question. After looking at my grounds most of them relate to the thought of oppugning being a cardinal point in talk for acquisition. This is besides apparent in my literature reappraisal. Questioning is seen to be important for kids ‘s acquisition, understanding and believing besides oppugning is important for adults/teachers to understand children.Conclusion ( a )The chief findings from all the research surveies are that most of the theoreticians believe that acquisition is an active procedure, through interaction with equals and grownups. Underliing all their theories and schemes is talk, as talk is required for interaction. Most of the research I looked at stated oppugning to be the most important factor in talk for larning. Most significantly instructors ‘ demand to see the type of inquiries they ask, inquiries which will non merely promote talk but aid instructors understand kids. To reason I found that talk does assist kids ‘s acquisition, understanding and believing. This is through oppugning and interaction between others. What makes it more effectual is varied oppugning and guided or supported interaction. I have learned that factual inquiries are merely every bit good as unfastened inquiries, but they are merely effectual when used in the right contexts, for the right content and for the right ages. However, it is most likely to be more effectual when a assortment of inquiries are asked in a individual lesson. This would profit me and others as I will be doing certain to inquire varied inquiries to assist me develop as a instructor and aid develop kids ‘s acquisition also.Conclusion ( B )I found that talk is important for kids ‘s acquisition as hearing others positions and thoughts helps boom their ain positions and thoughts. But most significantly I found that instructors need to advance talk more by the types of inquiries they ask. I found that inquiring different types of inquiry non merely helps me as a instructor but the kids besides. It helps me understand what the kids know, their old cognition and besides how that cognition has grown over clip. It helps me assess k ids ‘s cognition of topics, makes it more seeable to see which kids are fighting and which are progressing ; hence, it makes me more cognizant of what I need to make in order to assist persons to travel them frontward. Before I conducted this survey I held the belief that kids speaking was of import for us as instructors to cognize what they understand but did non see the importance of instructors speaking every bit good, but most significantly instructors supplying the chance for talk. But after holding looked at other research and holding experienced it myself I believe that in order for kids to speak instructors need to supply the chance for talk particularly after oppugning, giving kids clip to discourse and develop thoughts, whether this is in braces, little groups or as a whole class.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Andrew File System essays

Andrew File System essays The Andrew File System (AFS) is a distributed network file system that enables files from any AFS machine across the country to be accessed as easily as files stored locally. It is an enterprise file system designed for use in a distributed environment on multiple computing platforms. AFS allows users on various types of computers to access the same file system. To a casual UNIX user, AFS disk space looks like a regular local disk; to Windows and Mac OS X users, it looks like a normal network drive. So with a single namespace and Kerberos authentication, AFS allows a user to log into any machine participating in the DCI and be presented their files and/or applications. AFS is composed of cells, with each cell representing an independently administered portion of file space. Cells are composed of two types of machines: fileserver and client. Fileservers are machines that typically store and control the files. A client machine accesses the files. Cells connect to form one enormous UNIX file system under the rootafs directory. PSC organizes and maintains the disk space associated with the cell One can access your PSC AFS space from most of PSC's machines, and can also make your directories accessible to users from any other AFS machine at any remote site. Like any network application, AFS has two components, a client and a server. The client component resides on each machine that wants to use AFS. This client asks the server for files stored in AFS and the server sends the file to the client over the network. The client then presents the file to the user as if it were local to the machine. When the user makes any changes in AFS space, such as creating a new file, saving a file or deleting files, the client sends the information to the server where updates occur. AFS speeds this process up by using disk caching. The AFS client keeps pieces of commonly used files on local disk. When the user asks the AFS client ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Les Miserables essays

Les Miserables essays Many beliefs exist about redemption and the pursuit of such a divine principle. In Victor Hugos Les Miserables, JeanValjean seeks redemption and deliverance from his past sins by acting as a savior of underprivileged citizens in Paris. However, one must also explore the character of Javert, for these men ultimately pursue redemption. Both men obey the duties of their conscience, and both must make sacrifices, yet one man receives deliverance from his sins, and the latter, Javert, is overcome by them. These two men differ only in their interpretation of duty, demonstrating that merely abiding by ones conscience cannot always equal redemption. While seemingly good, Javerts actions spur from motives of none but Javert, and as such, render the foundation for greater injustices. The scruple of Javerts actions early became duty alone, and late into Javerts life duty remains his only dictator. Javerts ideal was not to be humane, not to be great, it was to be reproachable, and perform a duty to society that involves ridding the Parisian world of scum, or what he denounces as such (1324). The fact of the matter remains that with every hour and every action encompassed in this mans life, duty never exists as his primary concern, it exists as his only concern. Furthermore, when confronting the first and only dilemma of his conscience, Javert questions, Is there anything in the world besides tribunals, sentences, police, and authority? (1321). Such extreme moral conformity to the dictates of ones chosen conscience shields the beholder from all truths but ones own, and in the case of Javert, this singular conformity becomes the g reatest source of the purest selfishness known to man. Javert dutifully follows his conscience, which has impurities of great consequence, therefore all actions of Javerts doing have great consequence. This cause-effect reaction ma...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Examples and the Definition of Imagery

Examples and the Definition of Imagery Imagery is vivid descriptive language that appeals to one or more of the senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste). Occasionally the term imagery is also used to refer to figurative language, in particular metaphors and similes.According to  Gerard A. Hauser, we use imagery in speech and writing not only to beautify but also to create relationships that give new meaning (Introduction to Rhetorical Theory, 2002). Etymology From the Latin, image Why Do We Use Imagery? There are a lot of reasons why we use imagery in our writing. Sometimes the right image creates a mood we want. Sometimes an image can suggest connections between two things. Sometimes an image can make a transition smoother. We use images to show intention. (Her words were fired in a deadly monotone and she gunned down the three of us with her smile.) We use imagery to exaggerate. (His arrival in that old Ford always sounded like a six-car pileup on the Harbor Freeway.) Sometimes we dont know why were using imagery; it just feels right. But the two main reasons we use imagery are: To save time and words.To reach the readers senses. (Gary Provost, Beyond Style: Mastering the Finer Points of Writing. Writers Digest Books, 1988) Examples of Different Types of Imagery Visual (Sight) ImageryIn our kitchen, he would bolt his orange juice (squeezed on one of those ribbed glass sombreros and then poured off through a strainer) and grab a bite of toast (the toaster a simple tin box, a kind of little hut with slit and slanted sides, that rested over a gas burner and browned one side of the bread, in stripes, at a time), and then he would dash, so hurriedly that his necktie flew back over his shoulder, down through our yard, past the grapevines hung with buzzing Japanese-beetle traps, to the yellow brick building, with its tall smokestack and wide playing fields, where he taught.(John Updike, My Father on the Verge of Disgrace in Licks of Love: Short Stories and a Sequel, 2000)Auditory (Sound) ImageryThe only thing that was wrong now, really, was the sound of the place, an unfamiliar nervous sound of the outboard motors. This was the note that jarred, the one thing that would sometimes break the illusion and set the years moving. In those other summertim es all motors were inboard; and when they were at a little distance, the noise they made was a sedative, an ingredient of summer sleep. They were one-cylinder and two-cylinder engines, and some were make-and-break and some were jump-spark, but they all made a sleepy sound across the lake. The one-lungers throbbed and fluttered, and the twin-cylinder ones purred and purred, and that was a quiet sound, too. But now the campers all had outboards. In the daytime, in the hot mornings, these motors made a petulant, irritable sound; at night, in the still evening when the afterglow lit the water, they whined about ones ears like mosquitoes.(E.B. White, Once More to the Lake, 1941) Tactile (Touch) ImageryWhen the others went swimming my son said he was going in, too. He pulled his dripping trunks from the line where they had hung all through the shower and wrung them out. Languidly, and with no thought of going in, I watched him, his hard little body, skinny and bare, saw him wince slightly as he pulled up around his vitals the small, soggy, icy garment. As he buckled the swollen belt, suddenly my groin felt the chill of death.(E.B. White, Once More to the Lake, 1941)Olfactory (Smell) ImageryI lay still and took another minute to smell: I smelled the warm, sweet, all-pervasive smell of silage, as well as the sour dirty laundry spilling over the basket in the hall. I could pick out the acrid smell of Claire’s drenched diaper, her sweaty feet, and her hair crusted with sand. The heat compounded the smells, doubled the fragrance. Howard always smelled and through the house his scent seemed always to be warm. His was a musky smell, as if the source of a mudd y river, the Nile or the Mississippi, began right in his armpits. I had grown used to thinking of his smell as the fresh man smell of hard work. Too long without washing and I tenderly beat his knotty arms with my fists. That morning there was alfalfa on his pillow and cow manure embedded in his tennis shoes and the cuffs of his coveralls that lay by the bed. Those were sweet reminders of him. He had gone out as one shaft of searing light came through the window. He had put on clean clothes to milk the cows.(Jane Hamilton, A Map of the World. Random House, 1994) Observations The artists life nourishes itself on the particular, the concrete. . . . Start with the mat-green fungus in the pine woods yesterday: words about it, describing it, and a poem will come. . . . Write about the cow, Mrs. Spauldings heavy eyelids, the smell of vanilla flavouring in a brown bottle. Thats where the magic mountains begin.(Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath, edited by Karen Kukil. Anchor, 2000)Follow your image as far as you can no matter how useless you think it is. Push Yourself. Always ask, What else can I do with this image? . . . Words are illustrations of thoughts. You must think this way.(Nikki Giovanni, quoted by Bill Strickland in On Being a Writer, 1992) Pronunciation IM-ij-ree

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Control Room Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Control Room - Movie Review Example However, this movie, Control Rooms, reveal a different side to the facts, the film reveals the extent to which the staff and reporting crew of the Media network had gone to convey the truth behind the sugar-coated waged war against the innocent civilians of Iraq (Samuel-Azran 73-89). Thus, in my opinion, in spite of its sketchiness, the movie delivers the message of its theme explicitly and indirectly, that touches the very cords of the hearts of sensitive humans. 2. To what extent the documentary might change your perception on the war in Iraq? I agree to Ty Burr (2004) when he says, â€Å""Control Room" is like an open window that sucks the smog out of the room. Clear-sighted and fair-minded, sympathetic to everyone except Saddam Hussein and the topmost level of the US government, this modest yet necessary documentary digs into the tussle between bias and balance in modern journalism and sends you out debating where one side's reporting becomes the other side's distortion.† This movie has changed my perception of war in Iraq to a greater extent. Earlier I had taken this military act to be against a brutal and killing enemy who had a monster like image in my imagination. Never had I considered the people dying there to be humans. I had always regarded their execution as a winning ‘mission accomplished’. ... If US had to wage a war against Saddam Hussain, it must have had find another way. To kill millions of people in the name of execution of their tyrannical ruler is to add inflict on injury. These people were already suffering and the military invasion had destroyed whatever they had managed to save so far. Truly, I am impressed and affected by the reporting of Al-Jazeera now as â€Å"†¦the station has revealed (and continues to show the world) everything about the Iraq War that the Bush administration did not want it to see† (Varma, 2004) 3. Critically identify the strengths and weaknesses of the video. The video, Control Room, is no doubt a marvelous and daring act done by Noujaim. The movie reveals hidden truths and passion for reality that is shared by all the journalists with living conscience. She has focused the role of the Qatar based media network, Al-Jazeera, which had covered the gruesome details of the happenings in Iraq. This particular network had sent its co rrespondents in Baghdad and other areas where they had covered the live details of the bombarding and shelling on the innocent civilians for which US government had blamed it to be a pawn in the hands of propagandist lobby of Arabs. However, the video exclusively reveals the false facets of the media world and this particular aspect makes this movie strong and effective. Moreover, Noujaim has just offered details of what happens behind the camera in a news agency network. All the interviews are taken in a bias free and impartial manner and the conclusion is left to the watcher. She has not tried to force her own ideas on the people; she has just captured with her camera what she found. â€Å"In the spirit of welcoming all information, she refuses to draw conclusions--these are left to the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Lifespan Development and Personality Paper Essay - 1

Lifespan Development and Personality Paper - Essay Example In addition, alcohol, drugs such as cocaine, lead, pesticides can damage sperm and cause children wit congenital defects. If the mother consumes alcohol during pregnancy, then the alcohol crosses the placenta and can result in children with ‘fetal alcohol syndrome’. The kind of diet that a mother takes, drugs, both legal and illegal would effect the later development of the infant. Mothers who have a healthy life style give birth to well formed babies with the right development of limbs and brains. Tobacco smoking by pregnant women is seen to cause premature babies that have low birth weight and increase in fetal deaths. Such children also show increased behavior abnormalities and cognitive problems. Motor development is mainly due to natural maturity but it can also be affected by environmental influences such as disease and neglect. Children with alcoholic mothers or ones who are neglected show lesser inclination to learn motor skills and may grow up with learning disa bilities and other problems. Piaget showed that an infants intellect is different from an adult and that an infant begins at a cognitively primitive level and that intellectual growth progresses in distinct stages, motivated by an innate need to know. Three major concepts are important: schemas, assimilation and accommodation. Schemas are cognitive structures or patterns consisting of a number of organized ideas that grow and differentiate with experience. Assimilation is the process of absorbing new information into existing schemas and accommodation is the process of adjusting old schemas or developing new ones to better fit with new information. In the first few weeks of life, an infant has multiple schemas based on the innate reflexes of sucking and grasping. These schemas are primarily motor and may be little more than stimulus and response mechanisms and soon other schemas emerge as the infant starts eating solid food. Assimilation and accommodation are the two major

T-Mobile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

T-Mobile - Essay Example For example, as material resources such as buildings, equipment or machinery deteriorate or lose efficiency; or as human resources get older, or as skills and abilities become outdated. Some of this change can be managed through careful planning; for example, regular repairs and maintenance; choice of introducing new technology or methods of work; effective manpower planning to prevent a large number of staff retiring at the same time; management succession planning; training and staff development (Handy, 1993). A senior manager should take into account internal and external factors that influence the company. T-mobile can only perform effectively through interactions with the broader external environment of which it is part. The structure and functioning of T-mobile must reflect, therefore, the nature of the environment in which it is operating. Factors such as uncertain economic conditions, fierce world competition, the level of government intervention, scarcity of natural resources and rapid developments in new technology create an increasingly volatile environment. In order to help ensure its survival and future success T-mobile must be readily adaptable to the external demands placed upon it. External change drivers are caused by innovation rapid technological changes and innovations proposed by competitors within the industry. One of the major changes deals with the specification of goods which may be considered in terms of their design features and performance characteristics (Vonderembse, White, 2003). Together these measurements define what the item is and how it is intended to perform its purpose. Also, the specification of a transport may be expressed in terms of its "design" and performance. In this context design i.e. the nature of the transport, movement may be expressed in terms of the origin, destination and route of movement. Present day situation in T-Mobile USA is marked by two factor - specification, which is to do with the 'design quality' of service, and conformity, which is to do with the 'process' quality which is achieved are of particular importance to customers. Ultimately they are the two factors which determine the quality levels provided by T-Mobile USA to its customers. These two factors however are themselves determined by other factors. Service concepts are based on understanding the unique environment in which T-Mobile USA operate. Service concepts include improvement of communication, and the environment composed of all the individual services used for implementation of the group communication primitives. T-mobile planned organisational change is triggered by the need to respond to new challenges or opportunities presented by the external environment, or in anticipation of the need to cope with potential future problems. Major competitors of T-mobile, Sony and Samsung, recently develop a completely new model of portable mobile phones which goes ahead all models exciting on the market, that is why further technological development is an urgent need for T-mobile. This planned change represents an intentional attempt to improve, in some important way, the operational effectiveness of T-mobile. The basic underlying objectives can be seen in general terms as: modifying the behavioural patterns of members of T-mobile; and improving the ability of T-mobile to cope with changes in its environment. Internal change drivers The increasing need for change in T-mobile Corporation

Chlamydia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chlamydia - Research Paper Example Further, this essay will zone in on ways to which the onset of this infection may delay and how to promote substantive productive health. According to numerous researches, Chlamydia is a relatively inactive infection with minimal visible alarming signs and symptoms. Despite this, some signs of the infection may include a burning sensation in women especially when excreting urine and to some extremes pain during sexual intercourse. In addition, women may experience the discharging of a heavy and abnormal discharge that may be scentless. On the other hand, a heavy whitish discharge may be visible in men and pain during the passing of urine is also a symptom that characterizes the infection. According to Kacian (2012), the prevalence of Chlamydia and other sexually related infections are high between the ages of sixteen and twenty. Further, it is a health threat especially to those with multiple sex partners within this age bracket. Additionally, pregnant women also serve as potential victims of the infection. Remarkably, Chlamydia is the most reported sexually related infection across the United States. In addition, sexually active women within this age bracket should also subject themselves to annual screening in order to increase the chances of early detection and treatment. Subsequently, the infection may lead to infertility especially in women if no medical intervention occurs. Further, if untreated the mother may pass on the infection to her unborn child which may in turn affect their ability to see (Kacian, 2011). Moreover, having Chlamydia also makes one susceptible to HIV once one exposes themselves to it (Baby Center, 2013). However, the infection is preventab le through the consistent use of condoms and also through abstinence, which is more effective. Therefore, screening of pregnant mothers is vital in the prevention of blindness in newborns as result of this infection (Healthy People, 2012) Mostly, the prevention of contracting this

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Popular Music Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Popular Music - Dissertation Example The following research questions will be used to frame the study and develop research on the topic of popular music as an appropriate medium for re-engaging youths from the inner city London boroughs. 1. How would the popular music industry benefit young people from the inner city London boroughs? 2. What risks would be involved in trying to re-engage young people from the inner city London boroughs? 3. What would be the projected success rate of working towards discovering young people in the inner city London boroughs who had talent that could compete in the professional world of popular music? 4. Is popular music an appropriate way to re-engage unfortunate young people from the inner city London boroughs? Through these preliminary research questions this study intends to discover means and methods of re-engaging inner city youths through organisations that can provide services that support entry into the popular music business. In addition, the appropriateness of this medium as a way to re-engage young people will be examined and defined so that risk can be minimized and appropriate support provided through the methods discovered in this research. The Ocean Music Venue is located at 270 Mare Street in London. This venue provides an appropriate local space in which music can be played by musicians that are growing their music (Cylex 2013). Bigga Fish (2013) provides for opportunities for up and coming artists age 14-21 so that they can have experiences such as playing next to experienced artists.

KFC Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

KFC - Research Paper Example From the discussion it is clear that  KFC the biggest chicken restaurant in the world. KFC has a market share of 50% and is estimated that this may increase in the near future. KFC serves a customer base of more than 13 million customers in more than 110 countries. KFC offers an original recipe with extra crispy grilled chicken that is served with home-style sides. KFC has a secret recipe that is served with 11 spices and herbs.This study declares that  the organization has a significant weakness of high employee turnover. The company has less global presence than McDonald’s. It also has weakness regarding global franchise management. KFC has serious weaknesses in terms of marketing exchange with PepsiCo. Soft drinks of only PepsiCo are available in KFC stores. This is a strategic weakness of this global food chain.  KFC primarily offers chicken products to its patrons. This implies that it does not offer novel or differentiated products.   KFC faces dilemmas in sustai ning high standards of hygienic foods. The company faces different charges in distinct nations because of poor standards of hygiene. For instance, in 2007 a KFC restaurant in New York was criticized for being rat infected.  The organization has significant opportunity and can take substantial advantages of the North American Free Trade Agreement. The company has enough opportunities in vegetarian food items.  The company has substantial opportunities to become responsible towards the environment. It can help them to remove all the negative publicities.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Popular Music Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Popular Music - Dissertation Example The following research questions will be used to frame the study and develop research on the topic of popular music as an appropriate medium for re-engaging youths from the inner city London boroughs. 1. How would the popular music industry benefit young people from the inner city London boroughs? 2. What risks would be involved in trying to re-engage young people from the inner city London boroughs? 3. What would be the projected success rate of working towards discovering young people in the inner city London boroughs who had talent that could compete in the professional world of popular music? 4. Is popular music an appropriate way to re-engage unfortunate young people from the inner city London boroughs? Through these preliminary research questions this study intends to discover means and methods of re-engaging inner city youths through organisations that can provide services that support entry into the popular music business. In addition, the appropriateness of this medium as a way to re-engage young people will be examined and defined so that risk can be minimized and appropriate support provided through the methods discovered in this research. The Ocean Music Venue is located at 270 Mare Street in London. This venue provides an appropriate local space in which music can be played by musicians that are growing their music (Cylex 2013). Bigga Fish (2013) provides for opportunities for up and coming artists age 14-21 so that they can have experiences such as playing next to experienced artists.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH REPORT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH REPORT - Assignment Example ........4 5. IMC Plan.....................................................................................................4 5.1 Communication Objectives...................................................................5 5.2 Creative Strategies................................................................................6 5.3 Media Plan...........................................................................................6 6. Conclusion...................................................................................................7 7. References...................................................................................................9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Global Vision International (GVI) is a volunteer tourism organization based in the UK, which mainly provides individuals with opportunities to volunteer abroad. With GVI, individuals can be able to get opportunities to work with different communities all around the world. In addition, individuals can be able to volunt eer in different areas such as construction projects, teaching projects and even wildlife and terrestrial conservation. Therefore, the organization gives the volunteers the opportunity to work in areas of their interest (GVI, 2012). Although the volunteer opportunities seem very attractive, most individuals are normally discouraged by the costs of volunteering that are normally charged when applying for the programs. Thus, the company seeks ways in which it can attract more volunteers despite the high costs included. Therefore, the report aims at examining and giving the key strategies that can be used to communicate to the public about the volunteer programs offered by the organization. The organization can increase the awareness of its services by using the right communication strategies to deliver information about its programs (Alder,  2001, 12). For instance, the report gives strategies such as use of social media sites, television advertisements, and billboards. All of these are methods that deliver a wide range of information within a short period and to a large number of people at the same time. The report has also segmented its markets in a way that each person of the targeted population will be well covered. The market was mainly segmented in terms of age due to the fact that; the organization accepts volunteers from a wide range of age. INTRODUCTION The world faces a number of crises today due to economic, social and political problems. These problems are mainly experienced in the less developed countries where there are limited resources to solve different problems facing the country. Due such problems, organizations have started volunteer projects where individuals volunteer abroad while also touring different countries. Therefore, the organizations have to organize different volunteers and post them to different countries depending on their countries of choice. Therefore, organizations have come up with ways of attracting individuals to volunte er with their organization. Organizations make a certain profit for organizing these volunteer projects since; individuals have to pay a certain fee before they can be accepted to volunteer with the organizations. In addition, there are many organizations, that an individual can volunteer with and thus, the marketing management of an organization has to market its offers well in order to attract many volunteers. GVI is an example of an organization that is seeking to increase the number of volunteers that it sponsors to travel abroad while volunteering in different

Monday, October 14, 2019

Pestle Analysis Of Vietnam

Pestle Analysis Of Vietnam Knowledge about PESTLE topic and expectations prior to the class I understand that BE refers to external factors and that enterprises have to take into account to their strategic and operational planning processes for success. My business requires a good understanding of the BE elements that may create opportunities or threats to rural SMEs for the development of interventions to BE improvements. I also know that a good enabling BE will create competitive advantages of a country and interest to foreign investors for economic growth. I know how to use SWOT tool to stakeholders analysis. My understanding about PESTLE  [1]  factors is all about Vietnam only, below are summaries of my knowledge prior to the class. For politics, Vietnam is adopting a mixed economy and government still plays a big role in planning and governing and many countries do not recognise the market economy for Vietnam yet  [2]  even its WTO adhesion since January 2006. The approved official documents of the 11th National Party Congress clearly stipulate that Vietnam continues to apply the market economy with socialist orientation, and the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) still play the decisive roles of Vietnam economy. This may break the enabling BE and create threats to private SMEs. For economics, Vietnam maintains a stable and high economic growth (7% in average for the last decade). Local enterprises are facing up to challenges in access to expensive credit and financial management due to high inflation (9-11%), high interest rates of saving (13-17%/year), and to currency devaluation (three times in 2010)  [3]  . For social factor, Vietnam has a young population with 46% of population are in working age and around 1 million new entrants into labour market each year, but overall productivity remained extremely low and is only three-fifths the ASEAN average or around one-tenth the level in Singapore  [4]  . Vietnam is the only country in Asia to enter Top 5 of the 2009 Happy Planet Index (HPI), announced by the New Economics Foundation (NFF) in July 2009. Vietnamese peoples are very optimistic to their future thanks to stable political regime, peace and economic growth. For technological factor, power shortage is now very current with increasing demand; internet is widely accessible with reasonable price; counterfeit and imitation, especially in software products, are widespread in Vietnam. For Legal factor, Vietnam has available Enterprise Law, Investment Law and other global and regional agreements (WTO, ASEAN, APECà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦), in theory, all kind of enterprises (SOEs, private enterprises, joint ventures) have to play the game with the same rules, but in practice, the implementation of Laws is a real challenge due to poor quality of human resource in public service and corruption issues (116/178 ranked countries)  [5]  . For Environmental factor, Vietnam has a long coastal border (2500km) and is considered as one of the most vulnerable countries due to natural disaster risks, climate change and sea level rise. Enterprises in Vietnam have to take seriously into account the environmental factors to their business planning and operating processes. Vietnamese peoples do not tolerate easily to business practices that harm to environment. For example, the Vedan Vietnam Limited JSC, a wholly Taiwanese-invested firm has to pay a high cost for its pollution to Thi Vai River, the Coop Mart Supermarket System and retailers refused to sell Vedan products, promotional activities encourage the clients to say NO with Vedan and the company is facing to bankruptcy in 2007-2009. My consultancy services support rural SMEs to access to opportunities and to prepare for threats. I also work with government authorities to improve BE for SME development, including: Entrepreneurship Education. This intervention are to improve the entrepreneurship knowledge and skills to the youths, to develop their entrepreneurship mind set and finally to prepare them working productively in enterprises. Public-Private Policy Partnership and Dialogue (PPD). These forums are to reflect on the PCI  [6]   results and to critically debate on BE improvements, administrative reforms and BDS supports in favour to SME development. Making Market Works Better For the Poor. Such as business management training to business people in remote areas, the value chain analysis and upgrade in favour to poor producers, support for collaboration and coordination among poor producers for their greater bargaining power. Recently, I have created my own enterprise named Initiatives and Informal Education Promotion Company, called as IIE Vietnam and I work as the company Director, providing technical consultancy services to national and international organizations working in the area of local socio-economic development. My expectations from the class are about the comprehensive academic approaches and tools for PESTLE analysis. I wish to be able conduct stakeholders analysis, the scenarios planning, taking into account of PESTLE issues in order to improve my business. I also wish to have a broader understanding to global BE, especially the good enabling BE of EU countries, USA, Japan, the improving BE in major BRIC emerging countries and the worst BE in Africa, Cuba, Venezuela. I expect to be able to identify and explain BE context in those economies. Key learned ideas from this session Organisational Form and Purpose. There are different types of organisations; each of these organisations has its relative vision, mandates, values, advantages, disadvantages and stakeholders. When making strategic decisions about the organizations direction and scope, managers need to examine the organizational purpose, vision and stakeholders expectation for the future. Managers have to make sure that commercial organisations should be high accountable to the owners first, then that conflicts and different expectations from organizational stakeholders are properly responded. I am able to use the power/interest approach and tool for stakeholders mapping and analysis of my own company. Understanding the Managerial Environment. Managers will need to evaluate the current context and trends of BE for organisational strategic planning and operating, it includes the evaluation of local, regional political stability, government commitment to business, main economic indexes, labour force, technological development and availability, legal documents and finally environmental issues affecting business. With the results of BE analysis, managers are able to identify main opportunities and threats of their company. I am able to interpret the PESTLE framework for identifying, evaluating the impacts of key external environmental factors and developing 2011 scenarios to my own business. The Economy and the Role of Government. The Circular Flow of Income describes the operations of an economy; the consumers provide resources to firms for income, firms produce goods and services to consumers for margin, income and margin are used to pay living and operating costs, taxes for government spending, investments for productive capacity, technological development and savings. Government plays the role of policy maker and referee, ensuring the achievement of economic and social goals of a society, including high rate of decent employment, stable economic growth, low rate of inflation, trade surplus. Government use fiscal policy (taxes and public spending) and monetary policy (money supply and interest rates) as major tools of macro-economic management. Fiscal policy is a tool for managing demand, if government wants to increase the demand, it may reduce taxes and/or increase spending, if it wants to reduce the demand, it will do the opposite. Government has lot challenges in achieving simultaneously all the economic goals, an increase in demand may create high inflation. Government also use monetary policy for macro-economic management, an increase in interest rates will increase saving, reduce consumption and reduce investment spending, and thus reduce inflation. The interest rates affect exchange rates and banks/investors will spent their energy and efforts just to trade the money and not the production. The European Environment. The rationale of reduction in trade barriers and mobility restrictions is for costumers rights protection, competitive and technological enhancement. The main benefits for countries in joining EU include access to a largest and fairly competitive market, with safe and predictive BE, well established infrastructure, social protection, education, research and development. The main challenges for EU enlargement includes different educational, technological, cultural, infrastructural and competitive level between countries, politics, human rights issues, especially the legacy of the Soviet economy. United Kingdom, Switzerland are considering their EMU member due to negative factors such as economic cycle, sovereignty issues, unique values, transition and employment costs. Understanding the Global Environment. Globalisation is an inevitable trend of the World thanks to the development of ITC and education, to which countries and firms have to duel for success. The key globalisation drivers include politics, economics, market, costs and competition. Globalisation is bringing both opportunities and challenges to peoples. For competitive advantages in the global market, countries have to increase their political and social connections between peoples and states; firms need a good assessment of global costs. Globalisation allows firms not only to profit of better production factors, but also to gain market share and/or to access to growing market. Managers need to have strategic decisions on whether outsourcings, offshorings or insourcings for cost advantages. Government policy makers have to ensure the reasonable inequalities between rich and poor, the control of dominance and monopoly of biggest global firms, cultural degradation, global dependence and g lobal crime. Emerging Countries in Three Continents. The Japanese MITI with selective industrial policies, the keiretsu with alliance of firms with banks, manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and with the Japanese government, the kaizen with continuous improvement or change for success, the kanban with scheduling system, have created the economic and technical success of Japan in 1980s. The reforms with special economic zones, the gradual opening of economy, the calls and government supports to FDI have transformed China from a backward agricultural economy to the words major manufacturing centre in 1990s, but the political regime and human right abuse in China is not appreciated by the international communities, and the world is facing up to social and environment costs with rapid expansion due to poor governance of social and environmental responsibilities. The replacement of interventionist economic policy by the liberal economic reforms together with the good investment in high-tech educati on and research have made India become a modern economy, the rapid economic growth in a complex cultural legacy and Hindu caste system is also creating lot of social issues in India, including poverty, illiteracy, HIV/AIDS. The ASEAN with its regional cooperation, cultural diversify, high level of general and scientific education, high saving and investment ratios, young and dynamic population, rapid growth of technology, openness with interventionist industrial policies, is creating a high interest of international investors and politicians (10 Primer Ministers of ASEAN, plus Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, S-Korea and Foreign Ministers of USA, Russia, and UN General Sectary participated in 2010 Hanoi East Asia Summit, 500 big local and international firms jointed the 2010 Hanoi ASEAN-BiZ Summit Conference)  [7]  . Even with rich natural resources, but the dependence on agricultural production and exports, the negative impacts of slavery, colonisation and socialism , the predominance of authoritarian regimes, poor access to education, public services, sanitation, water, poor governance with corruption, inefficient politicians, ineffective international development assistance and loans, uncontrollable internal rules, conflicts, diseases have left most African countries at the mercy of the world markets. Market Structures and Industry Analysis. Monopolists are able to control both production and purchase rights. In a high competitive market, specialism and location allow operators control over price. In the oligopoly market, competition of non-price methods such as advertising and sales promotion is appropriate. But the greater competition makes companies more efficient and the consumer has a bigger choice of good and services, policy makers have to build rules for fair competitiveness and anti-monopolistic competition. I am able to interpret the Porters Five Forces (current competitors, new entrants, buyers power, substitutes, and suppliers power) to market and competitive analysis of my business. The results will be used to defining and positioning my business, including the development and implementation of key success factors. Delivering Customer Value and Managing Marketing Performance. Firms need an appropriate targeting strategy due to different needs of customers. Customer segmentation allows firms to critically analyse characteristics of customer groups for the provision of relevant services and goods. Appropriate promotions with segmentation approach help firms not only to save costs, but also to provide desirable products and enjoyable prices. A good understanding of existing and potential markets through assessing current and potential market attractiveness, evaluating company and competitors current and potential strengths and weaknesses in serving a particular market, allow firm to take competitive advantages. Company brands are built from knowledge, esteem, relevance and differentiation. I am using the gained knowledge from these sessions to develop my business strategy with demand-driven and non-price competitive approaches such as owner branding, expertise enhancing, attitude improving for dif ferentiation and success. Making sense of Uncertainty. In a stable BE, forecasting works well to develop company future directions, but peoples are living in a fast changing environment with many unpredictable events; scenarios building is good tool to manage uncertainty. Scenarios building should be credible and includes PEST analysis. Companies need to build more than one scenario with both optimistic and pessimistic context to predetermine a list of trends and key success factors. Difficult concepts and Improvement plan Scenarios building, Brands building are two most difficult concepts with me, my improvement plan includes: Further reading: Due to time constraints for both learning and working activities, annual review and planning processes, I havent much time to do extra reading of suggested documents from the class; I planned time for further reading after Lunar New Year. More exchanges with colleagues, friends and experts: Informal discussions, exchanges through emails, chats with them will enable me to gain more knowledge. Participation in short and intensive workshops: The VCCI is organising short and intensive workshops on scenarios and brands building to support the entrepreneurs of SMEs, I will register for my participation to knowledge improvement. Learning from doing my works. I am the owner cum director of my small company; I am building scenarios and brands to my company and will learn from both success and failure. Extra reading and key learning points. I have visited the and read the summary of the special report named Best countries for Business 2009, published at and have drawn the following key learning points: Vietnam dropped from number 113 to 118 in 2009 list of à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Best Countries for Businessà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ . Due to its weak export capacity, high trade deficit, weak protection of foreign investors. Denmark was ranked as the best place to do business. Thanks to its high per capita (36.000 USD/year), surplus trade (+2,9%), good ratio of public debt/GDP (41,6%). The US saw the biggest fall in 2009 ranking, falling to number 9 from the second position in 2008. Due to long-term issues such as lack of investment in infrastructure, increase of costs in health and retirement, high trade deficit. Venezuela is the worst country. Due to its robbery (nationalisation) of foreign firms. The top 10 of weakest countries of 2009 business environment are in Africa. Due to poor governance, abuse of human rights and democracy, poor investment in education, pubic services, basic human needs and imperviousness of international values. Annexes Reference sources: Much above information is summarised from the follow sources: Harrison A., Business Environment in a global context, Oxford University Press, 2010, New York, USA University of Gloucestershire Business School, Global Organizational Environment handouts

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Science and God Essay -- essays research papers

"In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth†¦" (Genesis 1:1), the words that start it all if you are a Catholic. Children are brought up to believe that God took seven days out of his schedule to create the earth and all that is in and on it from a "formless wasteland" (Genesis 1:2). He gave man his shape and the keys to paradise and life rolls on from there. They know history of man through the Bible, and if it is not in the Bible, it did not happen. Die hard followers the Bible know little outside of the Good Book and thusly show their Those who took on the ideals of the enlightenment or raised with little to no theological beliefs have questioned the existence of God and the Bible. They have chosen to have the power of science be their creator and savior. No mythical oracles, no prophets, just the theories of motion, space, and relativity to guide them in their lives, and the gap has never been filled. To them, all of the questions can b e answered with one answer: E=MC2. Since the first questions of the validity of the Bible arose with people like Aristotle, Plato, and Moses Maimonides. In fact, Maimonides said, "conflicts between science and the Bible arise from either from a lack of scientific knowledge or a defective understanding of the Bible," (Schroeder, 1997). What he means is that science cannot answer everything with science or the Bible; there must be some happy medium where the two can play off each other. The belief in religion and the understanding of science do not have to conflict and contradict each other; they can work together in helping people fully understand the universe, the world, life and death, and most importantly themselves. The universe that surrounds us had no origin in the Bible, it is just there and only the creation of the earth is discussed. Scientists have calculated the power of the big bang to be 10120 in strength. "If the energy of the big bang were different by one part of 10120 there would be no life anywhere in the universe. The universe is tuned for life from its inception," (Schroeder, 1997). This statement is relaying messages of the two schools of thought at once. The religion translation of this statement is that something that precise could only have been made by some divine creator. The Scientific translation is none at al... ...old as the birth one, but still does not give an answer to the afterlife. Death as seen as the body simply shutting down the heart, brain, and other vital organs stop functioning, thus having no energy left to operate and live. It does not tell where you go when you die if you go anywhere at all. God intentionally keeps that a secret from mortal men so that fear and obedience can be instilled. Science cannot explain the afterlife with a theory or a rule that has to follow an equation or variable. It is just out of the field of study for science. People of the past have ascribed either to a scientific answer or to a theological belief to answer the questions they have. People pray to God for a cure to their disease, others visit a doctor or pharmacist. Nowadays people have become more liberal with their beliefs and where they look for answers. Priests go to the drugstore and scientists have been attending Sunday mass. The blending of the religions does not close doors and minds; it opens the mind to new interpretations of science and the Bible just the same. Harmony is being found, and questions that are more personal are being answered. It is truly something everyone can agree on.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Cold War Essay example -- History, Global Power

The second World War brought untold suffering to million across the globe, but it also launched the United States into the position of a superpower for the next 50 years. With the utter destruction of nations across Europe, Africa, and Asia, both winners and losers, America easily assumed a dominant position in the coming international system and captured the ability to reconstruct the world using its high democratic ideals. The United States was the most powerful nation in the world. It is said that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and with postwar America it was no different. Given the unilateral power to spread its ideals of self-determination, liberty, equality, and individualism; America instead effectively subverted these principles not only around the world, but domestically as well. The unlimited global power and Cold War paranoia of the postwar years to the assassination of John F. Kennedy proved a fatal mixture to American ideals. As World War II came to a close, the Uni ted States gained the world as the most powerful country on earth; But to maintain this power it sadly reverted to the imperalism abraod and the Red Scare at home; its reversion made her loose her soul. These hypocritical actions and policies shaped a new world not set by democratic and liberal ideals of FDR’s â€Å"Four Points,† but by the power motivated creeds of repression, greed, and violence. In the race to fill the power vacuum created by World War II, the United States abandoned its civic nationalist tradition to compete with the Soviet Union and ensure its economic and political dominance around the globe. If the 18 years after the war saw unprecedented levels of U.S. power and growth around the world, it also witnessed the deterioration of the cou... ...or the rights of humankind as it claimed, but to dominant the globe in all aspects and destroy all competition. The story of the United States after World War II is one of triumph and tragedy. After almost two centuries of proclaiming liberty and freedom, the country finally had the power to pursue those ideals across the globe. Unfortunately, as the U.S. gained more power it also lost its soul, relying on policies of self interest to expand and maintain its new dominance instead of harnessing its authority to improve the world. These policies accomplished the opposite of the traditional American ideals of self-determination and liberty, instead creating an atmosphere of fear at home and a system of imperialism abroad. It is only by accepting this failure can one stop the United States’ continued policy of self interest and try to regain its great soul of freedom.